New FoodTechAfrica.com website online

New FoodTechAfrica.com website online

The new Foodtechafrica website is live! We wrote down our vision toward the Sustainable Development Goals and upgraded the look & feel. Take a look at www.foodtechafrica.com.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our vision for the future of aquaculture in East-Africa is closely aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which offer a universal framework to measure our social and environmental impact. Growth of the aquaculture sector has the potential to positively impact millions, but only if done so sustainably and inclusive. FoodTechAfrica is actively engaged in all steps of the value chain: from local aquafeed and fingerling production, sustainable farming techniques to transport, storage and serving the local customers with fresh fish: we carefully assess how to positively impact the entire value chain. Having established the first Ecomark certified fish farm on the African continent, we take pride in bringing innovative solutions and providing lasting livelihoods for the local employees of all partners involved in the FoodTechAfrica consortium.

Get involved in our aquaculture projects

To transform the aquaculture industry in East-Africa, a partnership between all different stakeholders is needed. More initiatives are needed to carry the sector forward and kickstart development. We realize that our ambitions are high and that we cannot and should not attempt to carry them out on our own. At FoodTechAfrica, we are thus building a movement. A movement to change aquaculture in East-Africa, that includes farmers, donors, producers, governments, researchers, NGOs, civil society organizations, the local communities and all those involved in the aquaculture value chain. We would like to invite you to join us in this movement. Please take a look at our project below and get in touch with one of our members.


If you interested in our aquaculture project in East Africa take a look at foodtechafrica.com.
For more information about the website, please contact Robert van Assenbergh.
For more information about our projects, please contact Wouter van Vliet.

New FoodTechAfrica website online made by Draad Internetprojecten
New FoodTechAfrica website online made by Draad Internetprojecten

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